Sunday, October 5, 2008

Things That Have Changed As a Result of This Election ...

1) Look to the right of this post. A first term black senator in his mid-40s is right now holding a commanding lead over a five term white senator who is a former POW and Vietnam vet. Whatever the outcome, this is some kind of progress, right?

2) Look at the video below. Tina Fey was already a respected, talented comedian, but this sketch solidifies her as - by far - the most influential comedian of this period in our electoral politics. Say what you will about race differences vs. gender differences, but I am willing to assert that the gender gap in comedy is far more prevalent than the race gap. Tina Fey just drove that gap over a cliff in a burning, runaway freight train full of nuclear warheads.

(Update: Ezra thinks Tina Fey is really influential too.)

-Education Dude

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