Thursday, October 2, 2008

Remember Slick Willy?

Brian Beutler on Bill Clinton:

"What if Bill Clinton’s apparent hostility to Barack Obama in recent weeks and months has actually been a ploy to draw greater-than-normal attention to his fall campaign events ..."

Matt thinks this has more to do with the fact that Clinton is "two or three orders of magnitude better than anyone else in politics at explaining to the public why it is that the financial rescue package serves the interests of ordinary citizen." So, I agree, Clinton is definitely more in his sweet spot as a campaigner.

I think Beutler has a point though. Here’s a thought experiment: think about the time when you made the most politically (lowercase "p") calculated decision of your life. Even folks without political saavy have done it once or twice, and at the time you’re sort of like “Wow, that was really tricky of me,” and you’re sort of proud of yourself in a weird way for being so strategic and sneaky.

Now, imagine you’re one of the best politicians EVER. In the world. How much more unreal would your quotidian political calculations be? Yeah, that’s what Bill Clinton’s life is like EVERY … FREAKING … DAY.

-Education Dude

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