Thursday, October 30, 2008

Remembering Why I Love Obama, Part 37164

After the Phillies won the World Series last night, I was too excited to go to bed, so I actually stayed up and watched the Daily Show at its regular time. Virtually unheard of in the Education Dude household.

Compare Obama on the Daily Show with anything McCain has said in the last week. Expert analysis: Obama seems like all of my funny, smart friends, and McCain seems like the annoying uncle I try to avoid at family picnics.

He tackles a lot of the things we've been talking about on this blog, particularly the "Bradley Effect." On that, Obama has this to say:

"I don’t think white voters have gotten this memo about the Bradley effect."

Jon Stewart then asked him whether his white half might be hesitant to vote for a black guy, to which Obama responded:

"It’s a problem ... I’ve been going through therapy to make sure I vote properly on the 4th."

I love this guy.

-Education Dude

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