Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hook and Bullet Voters

Education Dude's favorite education thinker Eduwonk has a new monthly column over at US News, which is HUGE for him, but more importantly, for readers of US News, because he's always terribly insightful. Make sure to check out the maiden voyage, which this month focuses on the "Cabelas vote," and how new land access and environmental issues offer inroads for Democrats to votes that Republicans traditionally have dominated:

"Senator Obama is wisely not pretending to be an outdoorsman ... Instead, Obama is trying to make sure hunters and anglers know that he understands their concerns and cares about the environmental and land access issues that are vital to their sports. He is supporting expanded hunter education programs and provisions of the recent farm bill intended to put more land in conservation use."

This is just one example of ways in which we could be seeing a major electoral realignment that alters the underlying structual issues in American politics for a long time. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's just win this election!

-Education Dude

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