Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gathering Moss

Commenter - and former Roommate Spin Dudette - Dorfie requested some LD commentary on the recent Rolling Stone piece, "Make-Believe Maverick," by Tom Dickinson

The basic thesis of the piece is that the "maverick" image is complete bullshit, and that McCain is and always has been an "undisciplined, spoiled brat," in the words of John Dramesi, an Air Force lieutenant colonel who was a POW with the Senator. Dickinson's piece paints a bleak picture of McCain's career as one that has been characterized by a series of massive explosions, whose fuses were lit by McCain's insane hubris and fueled by his Oedipal complex. (Did I mention there's a lot of hyperbole and fun figurative language, too?) Yes, it's that brutal. Dickinson really piles it on, and it's hard to pretend that this is anything resembling a balanced piece ... he wanted to make a point, and he made it. It doesn't make it any less interesting to read ... in fact, a piece of writing having an editorial bent makes it quite MORE interesting.

Now, that said, the important thing to take out of this, I think, is that the whole "maverick," "Straight Talk Express" image is something that has been intentionally cultivated for the sake of selling YOU - the voter - on an electoral product. United States Senators don't really want to be "mavericks." All evidence seems to point to the fact that actually BEING a maverick is terribly inconvenient in an institution wherein majority rules, and power is acquired through working with party leadership. Is this a perfect system? Of course not, but there are some good reasons that McCain has a relatively thin record of leadership in the Senate - he pisses EVERYONE off.

That is to say, the "maverick" persona only is useful as something to sell, which is why McCain decided to package it and sell it eight years ago. Let's reflect on that for a second ... this guy got elected to the senate 26 years ago, when he was already in his mid-late 40s. The nation really has only known this guy for about 15% of his professional career ( methodology: 8/[72-18]).

Now he is now being sold to us as a lifelong agitater for change and progress. Agitater? Maybe. For change and progress? The record seems to come up pretty empty, unless of course you're talking about changing/progressing McCain's career and self-interest. He seems remarkably able when it comes to that.

-Education Dude


Dorfie said...

what does Law Dude think?

Anonymous said... opposed to Senator Obama where the nation has known him for only 15% of his LIFE!

Dude said...

It's actually less than that, R Dude, now that I do the calculation. So, good point.

But at least it's been the same Obama those years ;-)

Dorfie said...

And - Obama has many more years left to dedicate to America.