Friday, October 3, 2008

Afternoon Arugula

Everyone has some sort of take on the debate last night. Click through to hear them, although most of the people I link to are progressive bloggers that all say pretty similar things. Despite the fact that Sarah Palin didn’t hurl her feces at the moderator – which is what some folks seemed to have been expecting – Biden, in immediate polls, seems to be the winner. Did substance really just beat style? I like the way Ezra puts it:

“The debates, in a sense, are exposing the bedrock facts of the election. The Democratic case is winning.”

Ezra thinks that Biden earned his nomination last night.

Andrew gives an award to a truthful conservative and sees that the “ready to lead” gap is striking for the veep candidates.

Matt thinks the outcomes of the election will only reinforce the macroeconomic zeitgeist.

Also, he talks about Palin as the ultimate, post-irony metacandidate.

Speaking of meta, I unfortunately didn’t post this yesterday, but Ezra’s take on the metaphysics of debate expectations was genius.

Nate does a good analysis of the big Michigan pullout, which will soon be developed into a Detroit based action-porn.

1 comment:

Dorfie said...

Biden won? But Palin "projects through the screen like crazy" and "sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America."

Sounds like a winner to me!