Thursday, October 2, 2008

Afternoon Arugula

I know today is veep debate day, and I know that the senate voted on the bailout last night, but I think the big news today has to be that McCain is pulling out of Michigan.

Which Marc sees as McCain moving to defense.

I was going to write my argument for why this debate won’t be nearly as bad for Palin as everybody seems to think, but Anonymous Liberal beat me to it.

Matt debunks the insane idea that McCain predicted the current crisis. Now with video!

Another Rolling Stone piece on our great war hero.

Math nerd brawl … round 2.

Palin’s awesome pre-debate strategy is to direct the conversation toward an area – foreign policy – where there is the greatest competence gap for her. Why are we surprised about this? Isn’t Rovian politics all about turning an opponent’s greatest strength into his/her weakness?

TPM has Obama getting emotional on the economy. This stuff even chokes me up.

Ezra adds more to the earlier earmarks discussion.

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