Friday, October 24, 2008

Palin in 2012? Really?

I'm deeply skeptical of the fact that Palin will be the standard bearer of the Republican party that runs against a theoretically incumbent Democrat in 2012. Andrew has been relentless in criticizing the directionless Republican party, but Marc - among others - makes the case somewhat convincingly.

I think Ta-Nehisi actually has it right. His basic argument - which Ross agrees with - is that the utter ugliness of this campaign makes Palin completely unviable in 2012. In other words, an Obama victory essentially would mean that the fears into which she tried to tap have evaporated. Ta-Nehisi says:

“These cats have to find a new way to sell the package. If you can't otherize the black guy whose middle name is Hussien, who can you otherize?”

It'll be even harder when that guy is the incumbent President.

-Education Dude

Update: Noam Scheiber at TNR turns in a litany of more nuanced reasons why Palin is a bad idea. Suffice it to say, methinks he's right.

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