Thursday, September 4, 2008

Morning Hors D'oeuvres

Yglesias thinks we need to hear more about Palin's lies and also thinks we should calm down.

Andrew Sullivan wonders who the real celebrity is and – like me – shudders at Giuliani’s ignorance. Also, I hope the Rs watching realize the silliness of the former mayor of New York using the word “cosmopolitan” as a slur.

Ambers wonders if Palin expands the McCain map and has a transcript of Cindy McCain off-message on abortion.

Josh at TPM thinks the democrats need to come out swinging on “reform” and offers Giuliani a cookie for saying “9/11” under 3 dozen times. Also, BONUS, he loves that Palin used to brag about the same earmarks that her ticket condemns.

Even the AP thinks Palin stretched the truth last night.

HuffPo has a good transcript of GOP talking heads trashing Palin.

Time hits back on McCain's bullying of the press.

Bonus on education! Eduwonk has an outline of Obama's education policy.

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