Friday, September 12, 2008

Afternoon Arugula

Fallows has the best take on the Palin interview, methinks. I’ll ruin the money shot for you, but you must read the whole thing to appreciate the argument:

“What Sarah Palin revealed is that she has not been interested enough in world affairs to become minimally conversant with the issues.”

The best speculation yet on the Obama-Clinton meeting.

Barack Obama: Shadow President. I think Sullivan is right on this, just another example of how good Obama’s judgment is.

He also eviscerates Kristol. I might start an official “Andrew-Sullivan-spontaneously-combusting” watch.

TPM looks at what Palin’s earmarks look like when scaled nationally. It’s a good thing she has never asked for them, according to her running mate.

Matt’s waiting for the “liar” narrative too. Seriously, guys, he keeps lying. Sullivan isn't nuts.

The weird earmark war.

Klein finds out that even McCain’s top economic advisor admits that McCain will raise taxes.

And the hardest hitting news team on television finally takes McCain to task.

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