Friday, September 26, 2008

Afternoon Arugula

Obama doubles lead in aggregate polling.

Phil thinks this is disastrous for McCain.

McCain lowers the bar for debate attendance. Seriously, he had better be fucking AMAZING tonight to make up for this nonsense.

FiveThirtyEight has a really interesting discussion with a pollster about the youth vote and turnout models. Nate also thinks that if McCain is really doubling down on tonight’s debate, it would be fatal to lost the bet.

Matt thinks Palin missed the day in 3rd grade when they learned the meaning of the word “specifically.”

Matt talks about the now enriched golden parachuter from WaMu. Best line of the day: “Obama should suspend his campaign to go punch this guy in the kidney.”

Ezra has some great “are you better off” data. Answer, probably not. Also, on McCain’s complete lack of leadership.

Even senior McCain campaign officials are nervous about Palin in a debate. Hopefully this isn’t just a game of setting low expectations.

And data geeks, prepare for a pollgasm when learning about’s new interactive tools. Really really cool.

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