Monday, September 29, 2008

McCain Predictably Blames Bailout's Failure on Obama For Putting Politics Before Country

Just as we predicted, McCain's campaign blamed the failure of the House to pass the bailout package on Obama for "putting politics before country."

This criticism is ludicrous. The bailout package did not pass because of a lack of Republican support. 140 Democrats supported the bill, compared to only 65 Republicans.

Had McCain forcefully advocated for the bailout provisions, there would have been enough votes for passage. Yet, incredibly, McCain's camp, criticizes Obama for "refus[ing] to even say if he supported the final bill."

Assuming McCain believes that this legislation is needed to prevent a financial catastrophe, one of two things just happened. 1) McCain failed to effectively rally his party behind this legislation, likely because he was afraid to spend political capital on an unpopular bill; or 2) House GOP members voted against the bill with the plan that McCain would offer a slightly more palatable version, allowing him to be portrayed as a bipartisan savior.

In neither scenario is McCain putting country first. Hello, hypocrisy.

-Law Dude

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