Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Limits of Family

The McCain campaign has decided that any attempt to vet Palin is a smear, and moreover, they're horrified that folks would make a political issue out of family. So, I thought we could play a quick game of "When is discussing family off-limits?"

1) Journalists questioning the maternity of Palin's youngest son, based on some seemingly unusual circumstances surrounding his birth? Off limits!

2) Palin appearing with that same child on the cover of two glossy magazines and using him as a metonymic symbol for extreme-right pro-life positions? Not off limits!

3) Suggesting that we might have something to learn about abstinence-only education through the circumstances surrounding Bristol Palin's pregnancy? Off limits!!

4) Trotting out Bristol Palin and her husband-to-be in front of thousands of cultural conservatives to put a few young faces on "conservative family values?" Not off limits!!

It's fun, and we can keep playing this game throughout the campaign. Maybe there's a nuanced reason for the differentiated responses above, but my guess is that it might have something more to do with political expediency. I know, I'm so cynical.

-Education Dude

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the modern era of American politics, it seems as though Americans have become so infatuated with a political leader's family, as if to say 'if his or her family is imperfect, they too are imperfect and unqualified to lead.' While one could argue that if he or she can not lead a family of 7, how could they be ready to lead a country of roughly 300 million Americans?

When making my politcal judgments and opinions, I believe a leader's family should have no bearing on that person's capacity to lead. Out of roughly 300 million Americans, not one of us is perfect, not one. So why is it that so many people in this country hold our political leaders to a higher standard? Every family has its issues, and clearly some are different than others. But just because a politician leads a public life, doesn't mean his or her family has to as well.

Bill Clinton...brought shame and disrespect to the highest office in the world, but everyone loves him, heck I'm even a Bill Clinton fan and I'm a Republican. But one has to ask, 'How, after what he did in the Oval Office, is he off-the-hook for his actions while serving as President of the United States?'

To me it doesn't matter that Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant, so are thousands of other teens across the country. If anything, it shed's more light on the fact that teenage pregnancy is just one of the endless challenges facing our nation. Is it the greatest challenge? Far from it.

So instead of focusing on a vice-presidential candidate's family, I think its time to get back to debating what's really at stake for our country over the next 10-25 years, energy independence, national security, and our struggling economy to name a few.

Exactly 2 months from today, the American people will make their choice, I just hope they're not thinking of Bristol Palin when they're pulling the lever.