Thursday, September 25, 2008

Afternoon Arugula

Marc moves NC to the tossup column.

Ben Smith has Sarah Silverman’s fucking HILARIOUS video for The Great Schlep. This is the Obama campaign’s effort to get young Jewish voters to convince their elderly grandparents in Florida to vote for Obama. Yes, this is serious.

Andrew thinks Palin is like a character on the (British) Office.

He also quite astonishingly discovers that Alaskans have more faith in Biden than in Palin on some issues.

Obama is surging.

Ezra sums it up. Obama=Smart McCain=Strange

Letterman delivers the best evisceration of McCain since George Will’s. This time with humor!

Part II of Couric and Palin. This time on foreign policy. Matt has video … absurd.

He said, he said. Who’s closer to reality?

Nate thinks debates are like Bugs Bunny. You have to read it to understand.

Phil’s take on McCain’s stunt is somewhat different … He thinks McCain needed to step on Bush’s speech.

McCain’s venn diagram.

Marc still thinks McCain is going for the “fuck you” gambit.

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