Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last Best Chance

Campaign seasons have a lot of built-in opportunities to change the dynamics of an election. Debates, conventions, and veep choices for example. Last night was McCain's last best chance to fundamentally change this election. Foreign policy was his home turf, and the public seems to be handing the win to Obama.

Don't get me wrong, there are other opportunities for McCain to gain ground, and if nothing else, this man has excelled at making up opportunities to change the dynamics. Like pulling a campaign suspension out of his ass. But this debate - in his policy comfort zone - was his last, structural advantage.

Also, the fact that Obama lives in the world of now and McCain lives in the world of the past could not have been more apparent last night. His constant "Obama doesn't understand" refrain would have been deadly to Obama if it wasn't so apparent that it is actually McCain who no longer understands. I'm sorry Senator McCain, but it's no longer 1968 and your world-view just hasn't kept up.

-Education Dude

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