Thursday, September 4, 2008

Boiling the Blood

Every now and then I hear a political speech from a politician I viciously disagree with and something s/he says really pisses me off.  For example, every word out of Rudy Giuliani's mouth last night.

The most offensive bit of his diatribe, however, was repeated by Governor Palin, and that is the disdain for Obama's experience as a community organizer.  You can almost hear them spit when they even mention the word "community."  This, coupled with Rudy's derisive admonishment of Obama as an "only in America" candidate, tiptoes toward something far worse than just culture wars.  Community organization, for millions of Americans, is a vehicle through which to gain a voice in a society in which poor, minority folks are routinely disadvantaged through both political arrangements that favor the elite and civic institutions that propogate inequity.  To hear the Republicans maintain such an openly disdainful stance toward the most vulnerable members of our society should make us seethe.

-Education Dude

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