Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain to the Rescue!!!

Yup, it's official. Obama turned down McCain's proposal to suspend campaigning and cancel the first debate. Which can mean only one thing. Obama doesn't put country first.

McCain, on the other hand, will charge back to Washington and forge a bipartisan compromise for the bailout plan. Surely, Democrats will be eager to work with McCain because McCain has suspended his campaign. Democrats will know that McCain would never use any legislation passed during campaign suspension time in order to score political points.

Obama's plan? Some elitist bipartisan statement between him and McCain about what the legislation should look like. Nevermind that both agree the bailout is necessary and that since McCain took on a populist flipflop, both now agree on broad provisions, like CEO pay limits and limits on Paulson's unfettered discretion to spend $700 billion. Also, forget that other legislators are hesitant to enact legislation out of fear that one campaign can use its passage for political points. Surely, a joint statement between the candidates providing an outline of bailout legislation will do nothing to help attain its passage.

In times like these, I'm glad we have one candidate that puts country first.

-Law Dude

PS- Here's a video of Obama not putting country first:

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