Friday, September 5, 2008

Morning Hors D'oeuvres

Sullivan thinks the media might be growing a pair and gets all messianic.

Bob Reich talks about what REAL vetting looks like.

Ambinder finds out that Obama surrogates should be dropping the Eagleton bomb. It’s sort of like if you say Beetlejuice three times …

He also wonders about the “urbanity” of community organizing and whether Palin is a “Black Swan.” If she is, she’s the blackest thing about Alaska

Ezra Klein thinks McCain is tired (read: old) and notes this gem:

“’My opponent's health care plan will put a government bureaucrat between you and your doctor!’ Spoken like a man who, on the one hand, has never used an HMO, and on the other, has never been off government health care a day in his life, and is healthy enough to run for president at 72.”

And HuffPo has a good compendium of media reax to last night’s speech.

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