Sunday, November 2, 2008

Evening Digestif

Sorry the clips have been slow lately, but this Liberal Dude is out helping Obama WIN.

Fallows has a great read on McCain’s SNL performance … namely, acceptance. And a plea for the liberal media to start loving him again.

Nate looks at the cell phone effects in polling and potential McCain win maps. There aren’t many of them.

This is a great story about a conservative canvassing for Obama.

Marc looks a the “Knows [sic] Unknowns.”

Matt reminds us that Kerry really wasn’t even close.

Both Liberal Dudes have Jewish families on at least one side, but I think we’re completely comfortable saying, “FUCK the Republican Jewish committee and their nonsense.” While we’re at it, lay off of Rashid Khalidi. He’s a scholar with nuanced views, and reasonable people take time to understand the perspectives of our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

Ezra doesn’t quite understand how Rove was ever a “genius.”

TPM has the Obama lead EXPANDING.

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