Monday, November 10, 2008

Election Night Story II

This via Expat Dude, who gives us a running diary of election night in Paris:

Despite living in Paris, I've been following the election very
closely. As "Jour J" rolled around, we wanted to make sure we weren't
too cut off from our fellow citizens and knew we'd have to do
something to get in the election night spirit.

Leaving work, stayed a little late tonight as I had warned my boss I'd
probably not make it in by 9am on Wed morning. Pass an 6 foot tall ad
for one of the newsweeklys: portrait of Obama: "Will they dare to
elect him"

Meeting up with some other Americans, figure we'll check out one of
the few expat bars in town to try and grab a drink and watch the first
results. Heading towards Harry's Bar, a staple of the Paris expat
scene since the early 1900s, we pass a guy wrapped in an American
flag. There's an understated buzz in the air. Turning the corner
onto Rue Danou, we come across a huge mob of people. The block is
completely packed, a few empty champagne bottles on the ground, and
plenty more being held in reserve. Many people with Obama t-shirts,
buttons, masks. Crowd is varied, but hearing lots of French, in
addition to Brits, Aussis, and plenty of Americans. I have a
flashback, World Series, 2004, New York, throngs of Sox fans blocking
half of 7th Ave outside the Riviera after the Sox sweep.

A roar goes up from the crowd as they announce the closing of the
first polls. We actually want to see something, so we decide to move
on. Next stop, Carr's, another expat bar near Place Vendome. This
one's Irish, so not quite as crowded. Plenty of American's watching
CNN on big screen TVs, Obama shirts and buttons abound.

Our group starts to feel the late hour, and things aren't too exciting
yet. Time to call a cab.

Turned on the TV shortly after getting home. Expat Dudette is heading
to bed, but I can't pull myself away. PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW HAMPSHIRE
CALLED FOR OBAMA! Signs are looking up. I tell Expat Dudette the
news, though she remains pessimistic as she drifts towards sleep.

Had set 3am as my sleep stop-loss point, but can't bring myself to go
to bed. Most midwest polls closed without any big calls. I'm glued
to CNN and a handful of blogs. Notice Education Dude is online as

Expat Dude: OHIO!!
Expat Dude: I've got a huge grin on my face that won't go away
Education Dude: the tears are starting

Should be going to bed, really, I know it's in the bag. Told myself
4AM was the absolute limit, but can't pull myself away, know this is
going to be big but can't quite believe it yet.

Expat Dude: cnn calls virginia - getting chills
Education Dude: this is it

OBAMA 44!!!!!!!!!!
Tears were welling for a while, but now they're running down my face

I Wake up Expat Dudette to share the news and get a very sleepy "wow".
Having trouble keeping my eyes open.

Told myself this was the absolute latest I would stay up, thankfully
Obama appears to address the crowd.

Full of emotion, totally exhausted to the point of literally feeling
disoriented, but I'm pretty sure that was the best speech I've ever
heard. Worth every minute of lost sleep.

Finally in bed, time for a quick cat-nap before work

Walking through Gare de Lyon on my way to work. Things seem strangely
calm - no big Obama victory headlines outside the newsstands, since
the final result came in after they went to press. One paper skirts
the issue "Obama supporters already celebrating"

Arrive at work, hearty congratulations from my co-workers. Exhausted.
It's going to be a long, tiring, but very happy day.

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