Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When We're in Charge, There Will be No Culture Wars

Here's to hoping 18-34 year olds vote in record numbers this election. Our generation-- both Democrats and Republicans-- is rejecting the culture wars.

We believe gays should have equal rights. Abortion doesn't define us. Pro-life youth also care about issues like global warming and Darfur; they realize that opposing abortion, alone, doesn't make a candidate worthy of their vote.

When we're in charge, amendments to ban gay marriage won't be used to drive voter turnout and distract us from greater issues. A Supreme Court nominees' position on abortion won't be a litmus test, and once again, a jurist with a long and defined record can pass through the Senate.

Clearly, young liberals and conservatives are passionately divided. But our divides are over real issues-- Iraq, the war on terror, economic theory and policy. We aren't distracted with petty, artificial concerns. With our youth vote, Nov. 4 could mark the beginning of the end of the culture wars.

-Law Dude

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're stupid. There will certainly be culture wars, although they might be different ones.

And who are you to say that the issues of marriage/family and the right to life or "choice" are not important. If you're straight, you probably don't even realize how social liberalism has made your life worse in the long run.