Friday, October 10, 2008

Morning Hors D'oeuvres

The second the “Troopergate” report is released, we’ll post the deets.

The McCain-Palin camp preempts that report with one of their own, and it – thank goodness – clears Palin of any wrongdoing. What a relief. On November 5, when I compile my Top Ten List of the McCain campaign’s insults on the intelligence of Americans, this certainly will vie for top bidding.

McCain is really scraping the bottom of the tactical barrel right now. Per Ben’s report:

“McCain's campaign has stopped putting out statements and ads connected to the economy, and seems focused entirely on Ayers. As one GOP strategest said to me, "He's speaking angry Greek, when he needs to be speaking economic English."

Obama is on a sympathetic conservative talk radio show today to discuss the Ayers thing, which seems like a good way to address it.

Andrew says the whole election, from McCain’s perspective, is now about fear.

Marc reminds us that you can’t spell bad assets without “Bad Ass.” Honestly, that statement has shockingly little to do with the article, but I said it at dinner last night and wanted to repeat it.

He also has Obama on the air in Texas, via a national spot, which means he’s raising a LOT of money right now.

As good an explanation of the ACORN mess that I’ve read.

Matt talks us off the ledge, by saying, “Look at the numbers!!! Obama is ahead of where even Bush was in 2004 at this time. Message: Barack Obama is NOT John Kerry.

Matt thinks more immigration could help us in a housing slump.

TPM starts an “n word” countdown for McCain surrogates.

Nate thinks the debate helped Obama and looks at the favorables to determine if the Ayers stuff is working. So far, not so much.

Also, don’t fuck with Michigan.

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