Friday, October 31, 2008

Morning Hors D'oeuvres

Fallows examines what we know about Obama’s management and leadership, and it’s pretty amazing.

Marc talks about the variety of messages the McCain campaign is putting out there in the closing days. This – more than anything else – strikes me as the pathology that made sure the McCain campaign never got any traction. The complete lack of strategy and coherence is indicative of an incredibly poorly run organization.

Matt sees a bunch of different kinds of unities at play in Obama’s potential presidency.

Ezra has fun with some conspiracy theories.

Best picture of he day, via Andrew and Marc.

Rove can’t even stay on message.

The Economist endorses Obama.

Josh at TPM asks a fabulous question about what victory means in a modern political environment.

The Wright ads hit the air in the home stretch. Two things about this. 1) If anyone thought this wouldn’t eventually happen, they were naïve, particularly given the tenor of the rest of the campaign. You know that if McCain loses and they hadn’t released the hounds on this, there would be even MORE second-guessing than there already would have been. 2) Either John McCain can’t control his party’s actions or he’s a hypocrite, because he said Wright was off limits. Either is plausible.

George Will takes McCain to the shed in yesterday morning’s WaPo. He hasn’t endorsed Obama, but he’s being ROUGH on McCain.

Andrew and Seed on Obama the empiricist.

Ezra says that McCain wouldn’t be accused of running a somewhat racist campaign if he did a better job of criticizing the racism in his coalition. (And I’m not suggesting that his whole coalition is racist, only that there are racist elements.)

A truly weird Esquire articles looks at prominent white supremacists who are going to vote for Obama.

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