Sunday, May 11, 2008

Clinton Campaign’s Chairman = Best MTP Guest Ever

Terry McAuliffe says Tim Russert’s father is dead during a meet the press interview. Turns out he’s alive.

MR. McAULIFFE: Absolutely. We will be together. This is--we're in a primary, we're both trying to win the nomination. But it's not impossible for Hillary Clinton to win. A lot of people have said that. Big Russ, if he were sitting here today, nothing's impossible. Jack McAuliffe, if he were with us today, they both--they're probably both in heaven right now, Tim, probably having a scotch, looking down and saying, you know what, this fight goes on. It's good for the Democratic Party. Millions of people coming out to vote. It's exciting.

MR. RUSSERT: Well, Big Russ is in the Barcalounger still watching this. God bless him.

Luckily that wasn't awkward at all.

-Law Dude

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