Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Palin Reads All News Sources!!!!

Maybe we've been underestimating her? She seems well-read.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see the world has made up its mind about Sarah Palin based off of interviews with the likes of Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric. I mean, props to Charlie Gibson, I miss ya on GMA, and you're a good guy on ABC's World News, but Couric...next time you try to interview someone, do everyone a favor and leave your liberal agenda at home and quit being pissed off that Palin is the VP candidate, and that you're nothing but a better looking version of Dan Rather.

Give me a god damn break with that stupid ass question, "What kind of newspapers and magazines do you read?" That right there is one fine piece of journalism, nice work Katie Couric, really... nice work.

Anonymous said...

this woman is a joke - a third-grader could answer this question better.

Anonymous said...

Law Dude is super sexy!!!

William Chuang said...

What's wrong about asking how well-read a candidate is? Sarah Palin clearly does not know a lot about the world around her. If my candidate did not read any news source at all, I would find that disconcerting. What kind of questions would you ask a presidential candidate?

Stop attacking the messenger and focus on the substance. Like Tucker Bounds grasping at straws when asked to explain how John McCain was not outright lying about Barack Obama's tax plans, you and other Republicans can only launch broadsides about how unfair the interview process is. Defend her on the substance, and you'll find out that you can't.