- United States Attorney.
- Insanely good trial lawyer, successfully prosecuted Scooter Libby.
- Has a sweet blogspot page! (hey Education Dude- is he blog list worthy?).
- Unlike other candidates for this position, he actually has diplomatic experience within the state department.
- Seriously, check out the guy's wiki page. Kerry, Hillary, and Richardson can't measure up to this guy by a longshot.
- Say what you will about the Iraq war, but he's handled things there about a million times better than Rumsfeld.
- By all measures not an ideologue- would support a shift in priorities to Afghanistan.
- Would send a loud bipartisan message by keeping on a Bush cabinet member in such an important post.
- Willing to fire top brass in order to hold people accountable.
- OK, two Repubs in the top two military positions is unlikely.
- But Obama digs Hagel.
- And Hagel digs moving troops to Afghanistan.
Secretary of Education- Colin Powell
- Honestly, I'm no Education Dude, but I like Colin Powell.
- Let the guy have another feather in his amazing resume.
Wichita's 4th District Alderman- Alan Klemke!
Everything Else- I don't care.
- But please don't give Richardson an important position.
- Have you seen him on Meet the Press?
- He's overrated at best.
- Sorry, Richardson.
Update: One other prediction while I'm at it. Obama will be a Supreme Court Justice within 20 years.
It would be awesome if somebody appointed Obama to the Supreme Court after he left the Presidency.
Hopefully, that will be the only way in which he follows in the footsteps of William Howard Taft . . . but its worth nothing that the most effective Chief Justices in American history were career politicians - John Marshall and Earl Warren are probably the two most prominent examples. The most influential justices in terms of legal theory tend to have been academics - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr, Louis Brandeis, and so forth. Obama is both, so it has the resume to make a historically influential Supreme Court justice.
I think that Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.
No calls for Energy Secretary? Don't care? Tsk tsk.
Its looking like Energy policy will be pretty central to the Obama administration.
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