According to the front page of the Washington Post, “An All-Out Battle for Women’s Votes Begins.” Without backing up this statement with any poll numbers or an explanation for its methodology, the Post claims, “But her selection has energized. . . some disaffected supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who resent that their candidate did not make it onto the Democratic ticket this year.”
Tell me Washington Post, how many are “some disaffected supporters?” 5? 15? Did the WaPost reporters call up the “20 equally passionate Hillary supporters” who decided to watch a movie, “The Squid and the Whale,” instead of Obama's acceptance speech, as chronicled in this equally hard-hitting New York Times article?
Virtually no one in the mainstream media has decided to take the radical step of waiting until there is a poll conducted on the effect of Palin’s selection on former Hillary supporters before making generalized statements of how disaffected Hillary supporters are “energized” by the pick.
Let’s get real. When those poll numbers get back, an insignificant number of former Hillary supporters will now support McCain because of the pick. It is completely irresponsible of the media to create a narrative by selectively seeking anecdotes from cherry-picked citizens, instead of relying on scientific polling data.
And for the record, any former Hillary supporter willing to vote for a pro-life, pro-gun, creationist, simply because of her sex, is an idiot.
-Law Dude